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Top best preparation strategy of reading books of engineering

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Best preparation strategy for reading engineering book 

Guys let me know what are top book you preference to reading during college of engineering education.
In that article, guess I am telling about it which book you prefer for reading to complete .
Let's go check it out.....
Most of the time engineering or Diploma students do very well in this subject because they are already aware of drawing so they do better than those got admission after 12th.

Here are some preparation strategies mechanical students I suggest to prepare better for the exam:

  • First I will tell you what are the subject book you read out , write short keyword or paragraph during after completing the topic read out .
  • That's so exciting for exam of engineering time when you don't have time to read all the book only you read of the keyword.
  • OR
  • Collect ahand written notes of coaching Centre near you and get standard books for all subjects of your branch.
  • Start with a subject,Study it with standard book ( for gate syllabus only) and solve questions given in the exercises practice.
  • Those students are going for a Gate studies that have deep knowledge to solve the exercises of better solution with minimum time.

  • Solve MCQs from any question bank solve previous year Gate papers, university questions papers and objective papers of IES.
  • To increase find solutions on the subject refer hand written notes.

  • Follow this procedure with all the subjects.

  • Join online test series. Try to attempt most of the tests.

  • Make short notes for each subject. Short notes should be relevant to Gate.
  • Write formulas and key points in it.
  • Don't write facts in it because factual questions are not asked in Gate.
  • Try to revision all these short notes daily in the morning.
  • This will keep you in touch with subjects which you have completed.
  • Try to maintain high level of motivation from first day till day of your exam.
  • Avoid social media and join good forums on internet.

Basics Machine Design:

  1. Design of Machine Elements -

Author Name:V. B. Bhandari
 I suggest this book is very simple to understanding concept.

Designing for Manufacturing - Harry peck (providing suitable tolerance is crucial in manufacturing and assembly.

  1. Theory of Machines and Mechanism-               Author: J E Shigley  Book       Description:Mechanisms involved in Machines should be properly analysed to obtain for desired Dynamics.
  2. Mechanical Vibrations -Author:S. S. Rao Book Description:Prevention of failure of component by vibration is very important.
  3. Finite element (Volume, difference, etc) method Autho:- S S Rao Book : Understanding discritisation is very crucial in understanding how computer solves the engineering problems and carry out proper analysis .

Objective Mechanical Engineering For Diploma Engineering

Diploma Engineering Mathematics
Author: B. K.Pal

Engineering Graphics For Diploma
Publisher: Phi Learning.

Hope you readers .. this article of help you...Pr

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