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Jobs and career opportunities for mechanical engineers

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Jobs And Career for mechanical engineers 

Candidates pursuing B.Tech/B.E. in Mechanical Engineering always have some plans for the future career options once graduation is completed. These plans might change during the four year phase of engineering but at some moment of time candidates finally, decide where they want to head to. Even if a candidate has decided on something, it is advisable to explore the other options available to them.
Mechanical Engineering one of the core branches of engineering and considered as the toughest branch, provides ample of opportunities post B.Tech for all the eligible candidates in different fields. Here Grade up provides list of career opportunities for Mechanical Engineering graduates which will give an idea of the direction where the candidate's career should be moving and in case candidate has still not decided what to do, they can make a suitable choice depending on their interest.

Career Opportunities after B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering

Go for Government Jobs
Mostly every Mechanical Engineers aim for this goal once they are in final year or passed out. Government Jobs include the PSU Jobs, ISRO, BARC, ESE , Railways or state PSC specific to their engineering discipline.Most of the PSU recruit through GATE Exam while remaining conduct their own exam. If a candidate is aiming for Govt.jobs, then they should begin their preparation from final year.So candidates can give their best shot and ge a dream job in govt. sector.
Fly High with Higher Studies

Candidates can pursue higher studies either in their technical field(M.Tech/M.S) or non-tech field such as MBA.

Masters Programme(Technical)

Many candidates plan for higher studies after engineering in India or abroad which unlocks various other options for their career. In India for M.Tech in premier institutes like IISc or IITs candidates need to appear for GATE and should aim for rank below 1000.Mechanical engineers have a variety of choices for their specialization, depending on the interest and score in the entrance exam, they can make their choices. Mostly the Specialisations available for Mechanical engineers are:Automobile Engineering ,Industrial Engineering,Thermal Engineering,Product Design and Development Computer Integrated Manufacturing ,Manufacturing Engineering Material Technology Engineering Design Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Energy Engineering and Management Mechatronics Engineering for higher studies in abroad, candidates have to appear for a Standard Test and Language Test.GRE is the standard test mostly accepted in many universities. While TOEFL is the language test accepted in US and Canada, while IELTS or PTE is accepted in UK, Australia, and New Zealand.

Masters Programme(Non- Technical)

MBA after engineering is one of the booming career opportunities followed by many graduates. Candidates can opt for MBA in India through various examinations such as CAT, MAT, XAT, IBSAT, SNAP etc.For MBA in abroad, the candidate has to appear for a standard test such as GMAT, followed by language test such as TOEFL, IELTS, PTE etc.

Armed Forces Jobs

Indian armed forces i.e Indian Army, Indian Air Force, Indian Navy and other paramilitary forces release notification for job opportunities specifically for Mechanical Engineers depending on their requirements.This is the golden opportunity for candidates willing to serve the nation through joining armed forces as well as being connected to their engineering branch.Not only Graduates, Indian forces avail opportunities to pre-final year and final year graduates through University Entry Scheme(UES) where candidates are selected in college campus itself and then further called for interviews and other processes.

Boost your qualification with Specialization courses

Once graduated, candidates often have grown interest in a particular section of Mechanical branch either design or thermal or production.Candidates having an interest in designing section can go for additional courses post graduation such as CREO, PRO-E, SOLIDWORKS SOLIDEDGE, AutoDesk etc.For production section CastWorks (for casting applications), ASME-NDT or the online certificate course of GD&T are helpful and give an extra edge to candidates qualification along with their degree.

Moving with Campus Selection

The most common and one of the easiest option for Mechanical graduates. After four years of studying and hectic examination schedule, students opt for the campus jobs through the various recruitment drives by companies. Job profile for campus recruitment may be technical/core industries(specific to Mechanical engg.) or IT Sector jobs to work on mechanical/automobile related projects such as Infosys,Wipro, TCS etc.

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