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Need of Jigs and fixtures Difference between Jigs and fixtures -Definition also Advantages

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Need of Jigs and fixtures Difference between Jigs and fixtures -Definition also Advantages

First let's think about Jigs and fixture.
why this are required in industry.
How to jigs and Fixtures Design and learn how to jig and fixture digram draw.,
what is the difference between jigs and fixture
Why learn learn about a jig and fixture ?  
  • Introduction of Jigs and fixtures:

Think about a about what are Jigs and Fixture, working, advantages and also difference between them, application.first you should learn the concept of Jigs and Fixtures. Jig and fixture is used in that machining operations and machining process is defined as the process of removing metal by the moving or stationary work piece by use of tool. This process is carried out on lathe, milling, drilling etc. This is machine is used produce a essential product as per requirement.

Questions in mind , when and why the requirement of jig and fixture?

When we used a smaller work piece or simpler ,then it can be easily mounted on working posting or machining location, it's doesn't require any other working mechanism to support or hold (it's concept of jig and fixture) .
But in some cases like the work piece is heavy or machining operations are difficult that time we used mechanism are called jigs and fixture for holding up and guiding tht work piece on machining process.

In general and Fixtures  is a tool whose structure is designed to hold for align component and the manufacturing process of fabrication or assembly ,the device may be adjust table or not adjustable stationary or portable it have many physical characteristics.
it is the device is used for easy of removing the finish component and fixing a new component for or given more importance.

Jigs and Fixtures is specifically used for in production to remove metal accurately and precisely for interchangeability of parts it can also design for large number of components review machine for assemble identically and to sure about interchangeability of products.

The essentials features of jigs and fixtures :

  1. Clamp position
  2.  standardization 
  3. neatness of workpiece 
  4. idle time reduction 
  5. setup time reduction hard and surfaces
  6.  these are the best features of jig and fixture
  7. Jigs and fixtures are precision tools.
  8. Jigs and Fixtures cost is high because to produce they are made to fine limits from materials with good resistance to wear and tear also some external agents .

Elements of Jigs and Fixtures..
First body clamping device locating device tour guide these are the major element of jig and fixture .

  • Definition of Jigs and Fixtures or What is jig and fixture?

What is Jig? Or what is the definitionof Jigs?

A jig is defined ,by a device in which a component is hold and located for a specific operation .or its device used in such a way that it will guided one and more cutting tools in the machining of process. 
Jigs is device which hods and position the work of defined in operations. It can be locate or guided the cutting tool relative to the work.
It's is define as the device which support or or hold the workplace in proper location with the help of locators Jigs are usually fitted with hardened steel of bushings for grading the cutting tool. The jig construction in such a way that the insertion and removal of workpiece is done with minimum time.

What is Fixture? Or definition of fixtures.
Fixtures is a mechanical device allow to fast removal of workpiece and this is a precision machine which gives with reliable quality and more lead time reduction.


A fixture is a device that locates the work piece and to holds it securely.its supports the work piece secure in a fixed orientation with respect to the tool,so that the required machining operations can be performed. 
Fixtures varried in design from relatively simple tools to expensive complicated devices.

Advantages of jig and fixture

The advantages of jig and fixture is not limited but some factors are given below
  1. It can increase the production 
  2. The manufacturing of product is a quality with less availability of dimension
  3. It can produce high accuracy of part
  4. Semi skilled machine operator can be easily used
  5. It.

Difference between jig and fixture Or      Jig Vs Fixture

  • 1. Definition:
Jigs: a device that hold the work and locate the path of tool.
Fixture: it can only holds and position the work but does not guide the work.
  • 2.weight:
Jigs; it some light in weight.
Fixture: it can be heavier.

  • 3. Gauge block
Jig: gauge block are not necessary.
Fixture: gauge block may be provided for effective handling

  • 4.cost
Jig: its cost is more
Fixture: its cost is less as compared with jig.

  • 5.Design :
Jigs: design of jig in complex
Fixture: there design of fixture is less complex
  • 6. Dimensional machining
Jigs: jigs are used in unidimensional machining like drilling etc.
Fixture: picture are used as in in multidimensional machining like milling turning grinding etc.

  • 7. Additional devices:
Jigs: no additional devices is required for locating the cutter for tool with respect to WorkPiece
Fixture: additional devices like block gauges etc.are required.

  • 8.Application
Jigs: it can be used in in boring drilling reaming tapping.
Fixture: it's used in in shaping slotting milling.

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